Friday, May 29, 2020

How to Write a Self-Evaluation Essay

Instructions to Write a Self-Evaluation EssayOne of the best approaches to improve your evaluation in school is by composing a self-assessment paper. This can be a valuable and helpful advance towards a significantly higher evaluation. Nonetheless, there are a couple of things that should be thought about on the off chance that you are not certain with your own capacity to compose a self-assessment essay.First of all, guarantee that you have everything that you will require when composing your paper. As referenced before, a self-assessment is significant for your evaluation in school. You will require a theme, a title, and a goal articulation. With regards to the subject, you should begin with a definition. Disclose why you need to go to class and what you want to escape it.Once you have the definition, solicit yourself what kind from study you would expect in a center gathering. Now, you may decide to talk on your assessment of the subject. Ensure that you do as well as can possibly be expected with the goal that you get some extraordinary feedback.Your title ought to depict the subject superior to the remainder of the sentence. This is a significant advance in the self-assessment paper. You will have the option to clarify increasingly about your composing style and establish a decent first connection. Ensure that you incorporate a synopsis toward the finish of your article and give your complete name, including your government disability number.Once you have your subject, title, you should give the goal articulation. The target explanation is your announcement to the peruser and should give them an away from of what you want to achieve. You may likewise incorporate different reasons why you have to go to class or why you are seeking after the specific field of study.The last piece of your exposition should cover what you plan to achieve by going to class. Now, you will need to expound a lot on why you are accomplishing the work you are doing and why you accep t that you will succeed. After you have done this, enjoy a reprieve and afterward start again with your essay.It is a smart thought to have a decent perusing and meeting to generate new ideas before you start composing your article. For whatever length of time that you have pondered your theme, your goal articulation, and why you are going to class, you will have the option to compose an exceptionally great paper.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Essay Topics For Oedipus the King - The Kings Approval

Essay Topics For Oedipus the King - The King's ApprovalGood essay topics for Oedipus the King and the rest of the royal family must take into account the complexities of the story line and characters. Understanding the details of the story line is essential if you want to be able to write a quality essay that has some level of depth.The character of Oedipus takes up the biggest portion of the story and the events of the story. This person has a problem with his father who wishes to remain as the ruler, but he cannot understand why the ruling council is completely against it. He finds himself in the role of a substitute ruler which in turn gives him a large number of complications and problems.There are two sides to every story and this one deals with the ruler and how they feel about the way they exercise their monarchical authority. King Minos was not exactly a good ruler either but there were two sides to his character. As a person who did not like his rule being challenged, he fou nd himself dealing with people who did not like his rule. This led to a lot of tension in the kingdom and that is where the story line begins.As a story line it is easy to understand and you do not have to delve too much into the psychology behind this character. It is also not necessary to think too much about what he might do in the end. You will learn a lot about Oedipus the King by reading the great works of Plato, Sophocles and Aristotle.The story line can take many forms and have a wide range of reactions. You can make the story part of a tragedy or a comedy. It can also be part of an epic or even a tragedy. You can use the story line to discuss the shifting nature of power in the ancient world.The underworld is a major source of conflict in this story line. Oedipus was sent to try and eliminate the cause of conflict within the city. The problem with his mission was that no one wanted to see him die.There is also a complex theme here, which is of course, the struggle between t he forces of good and evil. Some think the characters of the story do not live up to their expected standards. Oedipus the King was something of a bumbling fool and that may have been the case at the beginning of the story but as the story progresses we find out more about the poor character.As you look at these points, remember that you do not have to understand the psychology of the story in order to be successful. You can also use the narrative of the story to discuss themes of the world around us today. You should also avoid using metaphors when writing an essay on this story.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Cassius vs. Brutus in Julius Caesar - 825 Words

Both Cassius and Brutus play major roles in the play Julius Caesar. Cassius and Brutus both plan Caesar’s death. Although they are working towards a common goal, Cassius and Brutus have very different motivations for doing this. On the one hand, Cassius sees it as a way to gain more power for himself while destroying the king and all his power. On the other hand, Brutus believes that in killing Caesar he is preserving peace for the Romans’ future years. Throughout the play, Shakespeare uses different techniques to create biased characterizations of the two men so that readers and viewers develop identical attitudes towards each of them. In Julius Caesar, Cassius is portrayed as a greedy villain while Brutus is depicted as an†¦show more content†¦Unlike Cassius, Brutus is always doing what he feels is best for the Romans. In addition, Cassius feels inferior to Brutus. Brutus has much power from the people and is friends with the soon-to-be king, which is why Cas sius is so desperate to have Brutus on his side. Once he persuades Brutus to join him, he shifts from being the leader of the conspirators to the subordinate of Brutus. For instance, Brutus gives Antony permission to speak at the funeral, even though this went against Cassius’ own will. Lastly, Cassius is quick to make decisions but Brutus analyzes things before coming to a final decision. It takes Brutus many days of agony to finally agree that joining Cassius was the right thing to do. In contrast, Cassius spends only a few seconds to decide on committing suicide. Directly after Pindarus says, â€Å"Now they are almost on him†¦ And hark they shout for joy,† Cassius kills himself. (Act V Scene III Lines 31, 34) He is quick minded, not realizing that Brutus has actually not been captured. Both Brutus’ and Cassius’ characterizations are results of Shakespeare’s biased dialogue. Throughout the play, Brutus is continuously described as being nobl e and honorable. The first mention of this is early on in the play. Cassius, when trying to persuade Brutus to join the conspirators, praises Brutus by saying â€Å"noble Brutus† and â€Å"good Brutus† (page 17, line 68, 72). During Antony’s funeral speech, he repeats over and over â€Å"Brutus is anShow MoreRelated Julius Caesar: Brutus Vs. Cassius Essays1211 Words   |  5 PagesCharacters In Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, Brutus and Cassius are contrasting characters. They differ in the way they perceive Antony as a threat to the assassination plot, their dominance in personality, and their moral fiber. In Julius Caesar, Brutus is the more naà ¯ve, dominant and noble character, while Cassius is the more perceptive, submissive, and manipulative person. Brutus and Cassius are very different in the way they perceive Antony. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ethical Decision Making Framework †Free Samples for Students

Question: Analysis Ethical Decision Making Framework? Answer: Introduction In this report, the moral and ethical dilemma regarding a certain case study been analyzed and prepared. The report has been prepared using different frameworks for ethical decision making and as a result, a clear analysis is available. The question number 1 has asked about the benefits of the action. The answer is addressed in the following. Benefits of the Chosen Action Vulnerability: The benefit of the chosen action is that the vulnerability caused in terms of production will be significantly removed and a steady rate of growth will be maintained. Stakeholders: Public: Public will not be directly affected with this action. However, due to a certain cap in the productivity from the employees, the customers will be satisfied with the services. The Organization Selling IS products and Services: The company will enjoy a steady growth in production as the employees are expected to provided high productivity to gain their wages (Malle et al. 2015). Individual IS Business Analyst: Individually, the employees are expected to work hard and earn maximum sales productivity for the company in order to earn their full payments, hence, they will benefit the company as a whole. The Organizations Business Clients: Clients will not be directly affected with this action. However, due to a certain cap in the productivity from the employees, the clients will be satisfied with the services (Van Cranenburgh and Arenas 2014). The IS Industry: The industry will enjoy a steady growth in production as well as revenue the employees are expected to provided high productivity to gain their wages. Harm Caused by the Action Vulnerability: Due to the possible dissatisfaction among the employees, the vulnerability in the sales production will increase resulting in poor productivity and loss of revenue for the organization. Stakeholders: Public: There is no direct effect on the public from the harms of the action. However, due to a certain cap in the productivity from the employees, they may get dissatisfied and provide poor sales productivity resulting in public dissatisfaction. The Organization Selling IS products and Services: The company will not enjoy a steady growth if the employee are dissatisfied and failed to deliver sufficient sales productivity even if it means curtail in the salary of the employee (Kahane et al. 2015). Individual IS Business Analyst: Due to a certain cap in the productivity for the individual employees, they may get dissatisfied and provide poor sales productivity resulting in public dissatisfaction. The Organizations Business Clients: Clients will not be directly affected with this action. However, due to a certain cap in the productivity from the employees, they may get dissatisfied and provide poor sales productivity resulting in public dissatisfaction (Shrage 2013). The IS Industry: The industry will not enjoy a steady growth if the employee are dissatisfied and failed to deliver sufficient sales productivity even if it means curtail in the salary of the employee. Benefits if action is universalised Vulnerability: The benefit of the universalization of the chosen action is that the vulnerability caused in terms of production will be significantly removed and a steady rate of global growth will be maintained. Stakeholders: Public: Public from all over the world will not be directly affected with the universalization of the action. However, due to a certain cap in the productivity from the global employees, worldwide customers will be satisfied with the services (Friesdorf, Conway and Gawronski 2015). The Organization Selling IS products and Services: The company will enjoy a steady growth in production as the employees are expected to provided high productivity to gain their wages. Individual IS Business Analyst: Individually, the employees are expected to work hard and earn maximum sales productivity for the company in order to earn their full payments, hence, they will benefit the company as a whole (Hursthouse 2013). The Organizations Business Clients: Global business clients will not be directly affected with this action. However, due to a certain cap in the productivity from the employees, the global clients will be satisfied with the services. The IS Industry: Global industry will enjoy a steady growth in production as well as revenue the employees are expected to provided high productivity to gain their wages. Harm if action is universalised Vulnerability: Due to the possible dissatisfaction among the employees, the vulnerability in the sales production will increase resulting in poor productivity and loss of revenue for the organization on a global scale. Stakeholders: Public: Global public will not be directly affected with this action. However, due to a certain cap in the productivity from the employees, they may get dissatisfied and provide poor sales productivity resulting in public dissatisfaction. The Organization Selling IS products and Services: The organization will not enjoy a steady growth if the employee are dissatisfied and failed to deliver sufficient sales productivity even if it means curtail in the salary of the employee (Morris and McDonald 2013). Individual IS Business Analyst: Due to a certain cap in the productivity for the individual employees, they may get dissatisfied and provide poor sales productivity resulting in public dissatisfaction. The Organizations Business Clients: Global business clients will not be directly affected with this action (Ganz, Wagner and Toren 2015). However, due to a certain cap in the productivity from the employees, they may get dissatisfied and provide poor sales productivity resulting in public dissatisfaction on a global scale. The IS Industry: Global IS industry will not enjoy a steady growth if the employee are dissatisfied and failed to deliver sufficient sales productivity even if it means curtail in the salary of the employee. Contradiction if universalised Vulnerability: Vulnerability on a global scale will be decreased for the company due to high sales productivity but on the other hand, the internal vulnerabilities of the company will persist. Stakeholders: Public: Due to universalization, the company can have global reach and will be able to serve customers globally, but the loss of employee morale and satisfaction will contradict this possible beneficial service for the customers (Weiss 2014). The Organization Selling IS products and Services: Company will have access to global market and will be able to do in-sourcing but due to reduction in productivity, international clients may get dissatisfied. Individual IS Business Analyst: The violation of rights will enrage the employees and will force them to resign from the organization (Noddings 2013). The Organizations Business Clients: Due to universalization, the company can have global reach and will be able to serve clients globally, but the loss of employee morale and satisfaction will contradict this possible beneficial service for the clients. The IS Industry: Industry will bring together the global market and will be able to do in-sourcing but due reduction in productivity, international clients may get dissatisfied. Used as means to end, violating their rights Vulnerability: Vulnerability on a internal scale of the company will increase due to violation of employee rights and payments. Stakeholders: Public: The company will try to reach the global market with universalization and will be able to serve customers globally, but they will definitely be violating the rights of the employees if they pay their employees based on the sales targets achieved by them. The Organization Selling IS products and Services: Company will have access to global market and will be able to do in-sourcing but due to violation of the policies, internal employees may get dissatisfied (Baskerville and Wood-Harper 2016). Individual IS Business Analyst: Individually, the employees will get dissatisfied and will also loose motivation and morale for providing high sales productivity. The Organizations Business Clients: The company will experience global trends due to universalization, but the loss of employee morale and satisfaction will contradict this possible beneficial service for the clients (Shapiro and Gross 2013). The IS Industry: The industry will experience globalization but due reduction in productivity, international clients may get dissatisfied, resulting in negative impacts on the industry. Violating rights, seen as unjust (to powerless), action-taker has more power Vulnerability: Vulnerability on an internal scale of the company will increase due to violation of employee rights and payments. Stakeholders: Public: Universalization is not sufficient for the organization unless it stops violating rights of the employees as well as the customers. The employees have their rights to receive full salary from the company that they are not given unless sales targets are met. The Organization Selling IS products and Services: The higher authority of the organization should take sufficient steps to ensure the rights of the employees are not violated by the companys policies (Ford and Richardson 2013). Individual IS Business Analyst: The business analysts will get dissatisfied with the violation of rights and will not provide sufficient sales productivity. The Organizations Business Clients: If the organization continues violating the rights of the employees, the productivity will decrease and the business clients will not get best quality services or products from the organization (Christians et al. 2015). The IS Industry: Industry will bring together the global market and will be able to do in-sourcing but due reduction in productivity, international clients may get dissatisfied. Full Framework Analysis Framework Public Vulnerability Company Individual Clients Industry Benefits of this action? Public will not be directly affected with this action. The benefit of the chosen action is that the vulnerability caused in terms of production will be significantly removed The company will enjoy a steady growth in production Individually, the employees are expected to work hard and earn maximum sales productivity Clients will not be directly affected with this action The industry will enjoy a steady growth in production as well as revenue Harm caused by this action? Public will not be directly affected with this action Due to the possible dissatisfaction among the employees, the vulnerability in the sales production will increase The company will not enjoy a steady growth if the employee are dissatisfied Due to a certain cap in the productivity for the individual employees, they may get dissatisfied Clients will not be directly affected with this action The industry will not enjoy a steady growth if the employee are dissatisfied Benefits if action is universalised? Public from all over the world will not be directly affected with the universalization of the action The benefit of the universalization of the chosen action is that the vulnerability caused in terms of production will be significantly removed Global companies will enjoy a steady growth in production Individually, the employees are expected to work hard and earn maximum sales productivity for the company Global Clients will not be directly affected with this action Global industry will enjoy a steady growth in production as well as revenue Harm if action is universalised? Global public will not be directly affected with this action. Due to the possible dissatisfaction among the employees, the vulnerability in the sales production will increase resulting in poor productivity Global companies will not enjoy a steady growth if the employee are dissatisfied Due to a certain cap in the productivity for the individual employees, they may get dissatisfied and provide poor sales productivity resulting in public dissatisfaction Global clients will not be directly affected with this action. Global industry will not enjoy a steady growth if the employee are dissatisfied Contradiction if universalised? The company will try to reach the global market with universalization and will be able to serve customers globally, but they will definitely be violating the rights of the employees if they pay their employees based on the sales targets achieved by them Vulnerability on a global scale will be decreased for the company due to high sales productivity Company will have access to global market Thee loss of employee morale and satisfaction will contradict the possible beneficial services for the clients The company will experience global trends due to universalization The industry will experience globalization but due reduction in productivity, international clients may get dissatisfied, resulting in negative impacts on the industry Used as means to end, violating their rights? The companys payment policy may violate the rights of the employees Vulnerability on a internal scale of the company will increase Company may violate the rights of employees Individually, the employees will get dissatisfied Employee dissatisfaction will result in negative effect on the company in the global market Industry will be negatively impacted Violating rights, seen as unjust (to powerless), action-taker has more power? The higher authority has the power to ensure the rights of the employees are not violated Vulnerability on a internal scale of the company will increase Higher authorities need to take suitable actions to stop violating the employee rights Individually, the employees will get dissatisfied Employee dissatisfaction will result in negative effect on the company in the global market Industry will be negatively impacted Conclusion In this report, the moral and ethical dilemma regarding a certain case study been analyzed and prepared. With the help of the tables provided, the moral and ethical dilemma has been analyzed and documented. References Baskerville, R.L. and Wood-Harper, A.T., 2016. A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research. InEnacting Research Methods in Information Systems: Volume 2(pp. 169-190). Springer International Publishing. Christians, C.G., Fackler, M., Richardson, K., Kreshel, P. and Woods, R.H., 2015.Media ethics: Cases and moral reasoning. Routledge. Ford, R.C. and Richardson, W.D., 2013. Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. InCitation classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 19-44). Springer Netherlands. Friesdorf, R., Conway, P. and Gawronski, B., 2015. Gender Differences in Responses to Moral Dilemmas A Process Dissociation Analysis.Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, p.0146167215575731. Ganz, F.D., Wagner, N. and Toren, O., 2015. Nurse middle manager ethical dilemmas and moral distress.Nursing ethics,22(1), pp.43-51. Hursthouse, R., 2013. Normative virtue ethics.ETHICA,645. Kahane, G., Everett, J.A., Earp, B.D., Farias, M. and Savulescu, J., 2015. Utilitarianjudgments in sacrificial moral dilemmas do not reflect impartial concern for the greater good.Cognition,134, pp.193-209. Malle, B.F., Scheutz, M., Arnold, T., Voiklis, J. and Cusimano, C., 2015, March. Sacrifice one for the good of many?: People apply different moral norms to human and robot agents. InProceedings of the tenth annual ACM/IEEE international conference on human-robot interaction(pp. 117-124). ACM. Morris, S.A. and McDonald, R.A., 2013. The role of moral intensity in moral judgments: An empirical investigation. InCitation Classics from the Journal of Business Ethics(pp. 463-479). Springer Netherlands. Noddings, N., 2013.Caring: A relational approach to ethics and moral education. Univ of California Press. Shapiro, J.P. and Gross, S.J., 2013.Ethical educational leadership in turbulent times:(Re) solving moral dilemmas. Routledge. Shrage, L., 2013.Moral dilemmas of feminism: Prostitution, adultery, and abortion. Routledge. Van Cranenburgh, K.C. and Arenas, D., 2014. Strategic and moral dilemmas of corporate philanthropy in developing countries: Heineken in Sub-Saharan Africa.Journal of business ethics,122(3), pp.523-536. Weiss, J.W., 2014.Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.